Project Implementation Training

The project implementation training (PIT) provides project management teams with technical support and advice on how to better implement projects. 
We will provide tips and hints on how to prepare audit trails and progress reports. We will also present the harmonised project branding
and explain how to work with design templates and project websites.



how to prepare and what to bring

✓ Take a look at the final agenda

✓ Get familiar with the implementation manual and other relevant documents and bring copy with you

✓ Bring your laptop and print the website user manual if you are attending communication track

✓ Download the presentations

✓ Prepare your one minute pitch

✓ Prepare content for your website if you are attending communication track

documents to read before training

video tutorials to watch before training

when and where

19 JunE

    9.30 - 18.00

20 June

     8.45 - 13.00

                                            Tech Gate Vienna 

                                Wissenschafts- und Technologiepark GmbH 

                                                     Donau-City-Straße 1
                                                   1220 Vienna, Austria

                                            Nearest underground station: 

          U1 Kaisermühlen - Vienna International Centre (Exit Schüttaustraße)

How to get there