Innovative product of Slovenian partner (E-Zavod)
The workshops have been carried out online due to COVID lock-down in Slovenia. The E-institute has organised nine innovative workshops in last six months and six new innovative products have been developed by entrepreneurs. Due to the technological illiteracy of rural entrepreneurs, we were also looking for new entrepreneurs to participate and we invited them in innovative networking events.
The most active have been entrepreneurs who were most affected by COVID lock-down – these were in the field of tourism and various services related to guest hosting because they had to restructure their business very quickly.
The developed innovative products are related to the promotion of local self-sufficiency, which is at a very low level in Slovenia due to cheap products from abroad available in larger department stores. Organization of various thematic events in local communities was not very effective due to a lack of socialization during the COVID crisis.
However, entrepreneur would also like to develop new services for tourists. They have proposed to establish escape room in castle prison based on the cultural heritage of the area. Due to the implementation of all innovative workshops in online form, part of the authenticity of communication was lost. The participants are interested in involvement at physical workshops in the summertime without mayor restriction. We are working on the creation of presentation videos of the innovative products and services developed during online workshops.
We will also help entrepreneurs find additional funds for the realization of ideas and monitor their realization, since due to COVID-19 some companies financially impoverished.