Connect2CE integrated ticket is now available
18th April 2019.
On 18 April 2019, the new experimental cross-border integrated ticket Trieste-Ljubljana will be presented during a dissemination event open to the public, at the CEI headquarters in Trieste. CEI Secretary General, Mr. Roberto Antonione, and Regional Minister for Infrastructure and Territory, Mr. Graziano Pizzimenti will participate in the event.

A single ticket to travel on the vehicles of two public transport operators between the cities of Trieste and Ljubljana at an economical rate is the result of an experimental action that started in early March and will be tested until the end of August 2019. Thanks to the agreement signed between Trieste Trasporti and Slovenske Železnice (Slovenian Railways) - citizens can now buy their ticket online and travel between the two cities without interruption, using the railway station of Villa Opicina as an interchange hub between the two means of transport.
The multimodal integrated ticket is a result of the pilot action n.6, led by the CEI within the CONNECT2CE project, that aims at improving the accessibility of public transport in peripheral, rural and cross-border areas of Central Europe through the promotion of the use of integrated ticketing and pricing solutions.
After the dissemination event, a round table will follow on the theme "Results and challenges of promoting public transport in a cross-border dimension". The roundtable will gather representatives from the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Trieste Trasporti, Trenitalia, Ferrovie Udine Cividale, Municipality of Trieste, EGTC Euregio Senza Confini and EGTC GO, and be moderated by the CEI.