Italy: innovation workshops achieved
In Italy, Authentic Villages Association (BAI), from October 2020 to February 2021, worked to implement and conclude the Phase 1 (Starter), Phase 2 (Development) and 3 (Consolidation) workshops in the selected pilot area (Oltrepò Pavese, Lombardy Region). Since COVID-19 emergency has prevented the organization of physical meetings, starting from the Development Phase workshops, meetings were organized shifting to online digital format. In addition, on December 29th 2020, BAI organized an online meeting with pilot area’s stakeholders (traditional companies and CCIs), to present the activities to be carried out through Phase 2 and 3 workshops, and to find innovative schemes to support Oltrepò Pavese enterprises through the MaC Village model, taking into account also the new challenges originated by the COVD-19 emergency.
Starting from October 2020, BAI carried on the realization of innovation workshops in the pilot area in the following dates:

With the finalization of innovation workshops, meaningful collaborative relationships were achieved through the step by step and progressive work-method.
This approach allowed participants to move forward from a general reflection to concrete and defined products.
The business model canvas helped a lot to frame the ideas profiles and to articulate proposals rich in descriptive elements and structured. Finally, the presentation through the final pitch allowed the groups to develop meaningful and collaborative relationships.
The cooperation between traditional companies and CCIs led to the creation of three innovative business ideas:
1. "Micro-tasting routes". The idea concerns the activation of tourist routes that can connect new, sought-after, quality local products to be proposed to the following targets: passionate tasters in search of new, sought-after, quality products (flavours), linked to the people in the places.
2. "Vivere l'Oltrepò" project, which encompasses a series of initiatives to increase the quality of life of those who reside, both permanently and temporarily, in the territory. The idea is to bring together public and private, profit and non-profit initiatives and players, schools, and cultural agencies (micromuseums, proloco, etc.) in a project to enhance the opportunities that the area offers throughout the year to those who live there and to those who might be interested in living there permanently or for longer periods of time.
3. Brand identity Oltrep: it is a question of uniting energies and finding languages and supports to build a local brand that offers economic actors support in identifying, linking, promoting, and managing multiple current and possible initiatives. It is not just a question of identifying a logo, but of working on a specification that acts as an attractive proposal, that supports the commitment of the economic actors, orients their action to respect behaviour and standards, that allows internal resources to be collected from members and external resources from those interested in using the brand as a distinctive element.

3rd Starter WS in Borgo Priolo

3rd Development WS (online)