To meet the EU targets for reducing emissions and a competitive low-carbon economy requires active long-term planning.
Central European regions and cities need support in the development of their energy strategies and action plans and many local authorities face numerous challenges in implementing existing plans such as a lack of financing, being understaffed, or missing local acceptance.
Ongoing activities of our projects include:
- Addressing a variety of energy planning topics such as the usage of shallow geothermal energy planning for heating and cooling strategies or the exploitation of renewable energy potentials and increased energy efficiency in rural regions.
- Better management of sustainable energy and climate change mitigation in public administrations.
- Combination of demand and supply side approaches, taking into account the quality and capacity of energy distribution grids. Concretely, knowledge and planning capacities are strengthened of the public sector and related entities that facilitate the transition towards "Sustainable Energy Region".
- Development and implementation of innovative local and regional energy planning strategies that lead to an enhanced use of endogenous renewable energy.
- Setting up innovative financial instruments for a low carbon energy transition by addressing specific topics of waste heat utilisation and energy financing.
Solutions created by Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE projects include:
► Waste heat map and toolbox to support integration of waste heat into regional energy planning
► Toolbox for citizen-based energy planning and financing
► Training package for energy planning and energy transition
► Training toolbox for developing a district heating project
How to Green Urban Mobility