11.06. International Lynx Day

2018 is the first year to celebrate the international lynx day. Different activities of project partners and beyond will take place in the heart of Europe on the 11th of June. With that day we want to raise awareness for a fascinating species that lives in our forests but is very rarely seen. Everyone is invited to participate in the different activities and organize own ones.
Conservation through involvement
Lynx migrate over long distances and need connected forests to survive. Many lynx cross national borders regularly and the home range of the different populations often includes different countries. This is why a European approach is necessary: on the scientific level as well as on the political floor and in the public. One of the biggest threats for the cats besides cars and trains are illegal killings.
The lynx day is meant to create acceptance on a bigger scale - acceptance by citizens, hunters, lifestock owners and local communities living close to the lynx populations. As part of the transboundary project 3Lynx it will be the starting point for a European network of partners and an opportunity for everyone who is interested in lynx and their conservation.
What is happening close to you?
Most of the activities can be found close to lynx populations. Check our interactive map to find an event in your area.
Please click on the map to use our interactive map.