Stage of Refinement and Testing of the Application and Website
Maribor project team has already made a website and an application of St. Martin's route that runs through the Municipality of Maribor. A lot has been done on the content and on the technical side. The ultimate goal is to make an interactive map app (Interactive presentation of St. Martin’s cultural route) that will contribute to protecting the cultural heritage of St. Martin, its revival and transfer of knowledge about St. Martin (inclusion of older and young generations, connecting local population and foreign visitors). An interactive map app of the pilgrimage route is showing the points of sights on the way. Clicking on points of sights user will see the description and pictures of individual destinations. The app will also record the location of the pilgrim. The interactive map will include major attractions and events, such as: the Old Vine and the Old Vine House, the celebration of St. Martin’s day and other events honouring the Old Vine.

Summer 2019 is period of refinement and testing of the website and mobile application. Testing has been carried out by members of the project team, participants of the LSP workshops, young people and hikers of different age groups. They are testing it »sitting on the couch« as well as in practice while hiking along the St. Martin's route.