microTEC Südwest Clusterkonferenz 2019
On 20 and 21 March 2019, microTEC Südwest organises the 8th microTEC Südwest Cluster Conference taking place in Freiburg, Germany. MicroTEC Südwest is the competence and cooperation network for intelligent microsystem solutions for Europe, aiming at extending the internationally leading position of Baden-Württemberg in the field of microsystems technology. As associated partner of microTEC Südwest, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is delighted to announce this cluster conference.
The aim of the conference is to provide possibilities for networking and exchange of important future trends and new applications in terms of microsystem technology. 200 regional and international experts from economy, science and politics are expected to be present at the conference.
Please find further information on the program and participation fees under the following link https://www.microtec-suedwest.de/en/news-events/cluster-conference/clusterkonferenz-2019.

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