Summary of the "Zukunftsforum Energie und Klima 2020"

On 17.11.2020 between 9.00 and 10.30am an online event took place hosted by the Store4HUC partner Climate Alliance (PP10) and entitled with “Zukunftsforum Energie & Klima, F7: Energiespeicherung in historischen urbanen Gebäuden” and presented in German language. Responses on the following queries have been given by the presenters: "What potential do energy storage systems in buildings or urban districts offer and how can energy efficiency measures be implemented in listed buildings of historical value? Using the example of the Basilica in Weizberg, Austria, and with the help of a special online tool, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges of energy storage in historic buildings." In the following you may find some impressions of Michael Heidenreich (PP5) about the dialogue between the audience given in written in the chat room and orally answered by the presenters: Andrea Dornhofer (PP3) presented the integration of a thermal energy storage system into the existing Weizberg biomass heating system to increase flexibility and energy efficiency to be fully and seamlessly integrated as part of the regional climate and energy targets. Questions from the audience have been given mainly in regards to the degree of innovation of this pilot application and to the interaction with interconnected building storage facilities that allow a duplex operation of heat energy supply and injection of the sur-plus heat energy from the building to the grid via corresponding sub-stations. Robert Pratter (PP4) presented results of ad-hoc implemented data on the shown dashboard calculated via the Autarky Rate Tool based on average consumer behaviours. The constraints of the input has been discussed between the audience and the presenter and some valuable inputs of what would be nice to have.

Watch the full recording named "F7: Energiespeicherung in historischen urbanen Gebäuden" here.