Let the stars shine!
Europe needs more stories - time to submit yours
To highlight success stories of Europe and to bring more positive examples into the EU sphere, nine Members of the European Parliament have launched a new action titled ‘Let the stars shine’. The aim is to draw more attention to the wealth of inspiring actions, projects and initiatives taking place across Europe.
To submit your story, you should answer three questions:
- In what way does your project contribute to better regional cooperation in Europe?
- Why would your project not be possible without participation in a European initiative or without use of EU funding?
- What new way of communicating have you used to involve citizens, your city and your region in your project?
How to participate
There is no specific format for submissions, as long as you reply to these three above. Proposals can be submitted until 21 December 2017 via email to lambert.vannistelrooij@ep.europa.eu.
- You can participate as a private citizen, as an association, an organisation or a company;
- Include the name and coordinates of a contact person;
- You can apply in two categories: biobased products or ‘other’;
- You can submit multiple proposals (as separate entries);
- Provide a brief description of your idea/project and its target audience (max. 500 words);
- You can send multiple annexes of any kind. Photos (before and after), videos, or other creative materials will be particularly appreciated.
In December 2017 a joint jury will judge the submitted proposals. The best projects and ideas will be presented in an exhibition in spring 2018 in the European Parliament.
'Let the stars shine' was launched on 30 August. It is a common initiative of nine Members of the European Parliament (from Bulgaria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, and Slovenia) designed to highlight the added value of the EU and the results of its policies, including Cohesion Policy. You can participate as a private citizen, as an association, an organisation, or a company, even if you are not a citizen from one of the countries of the nine MEPs.