Host an Interreg volunteer

Interreg has now unique chance to get inspired by fresh and dynamic ideas from young people. Motivated young volunteers experience how cooperation across the border works and can help Interreg to be more visible. The European Solidarity Corps and the European Commission recently launched "Interreg Volunteer Youth" initiative, as an one year pilot action. It is targeted both at Interreg programmes and Interreg projects. We at CENTRAL EUROPE strongly support this initiative and have applied to host one young volunteer at the programme secretariat in Vienna.
Interreg projects as hosting insitutions
Young people aged 18-30 spent two to six months as volunteers at Interreg programmes or partner institutions of funded projects. Each Interreg project can easily host a volunteer who will help the team to implement the project, focusing on specific aspects or difficulties to be solved.
How to join?
The volunteer initiative is managed by the Association of European Border Regions. AEBR takes care of financial support to volunteers and provides a comprehensive insurance coverage to the volunteer onsite. Interreg projects interested in hosting a volunteer just have to fill in the Project Note and send it to