Competence map (O.T1.3)
Finding a suitable cooperation partner for the joint development and implementation of innovation in the high-tech sector – but how? The fundamental precondition of successful cooperation is good matchmaking of cooperation partners. The competence map offers a clear solution to the frequent challenge of finding suitable cooperation partners from common areas of interests and expertise in a fast and easy way.
On the basis of the SYNERGY Profiling IT Tool development and the international project analysis, more than 277 innovation actors from the Key Project Areas (KPAs) Additive Manufacturing and 3D-Printing, Nano- and Microtechnologies and Industry4.0 have been identified and clustered. A Competence Map was generated to visualize potential cooperation, similarities and synergies between individuals and organizations to enable matchmaking activities between stakeholders with similar interests and expertise from all Central European (partner) regions.
The Competence Map allows for the targeted search of innovation actors and their geographical visualization. The search of potential innovation actors in the competence map can be done by using information predefined search filed such as: type of project, type of organization (national or international), TRL, projects output, IPR-Status, KPAs, Organizations competences. The performed search is visualized by the SYNERGY Profiling Tool in form of a list of organizations and a geographical map, where these organization are situated. Users have the possibility to search the project and organization databases, either jointly or separately.
- The main impacts and benefits of the SYNERGY Competence Map are:
- Collecting information on 277 institutions in one, friendly-accessible database
- Easy and effective search for actors and partners in the project area
- Promotion of organization achievements and services within new network of cooperation
- Simple procedure for updating organizations’ data.
- In the following we provide you with links to all relevant outputs and tools:
- SYNERGY Profiling Tool and Competence Map
SYNERGY Competence Map, Image Source: SYNERGY Project