SYNERGY Profiling IT Tool and International Project Analysis (O.T1.1 & O.T1.2)
One of the key challenges today is matchmaking, i.e. finding appropriate partners for cooperation. The open question is with whom shall we establish new links that lead to cooperation that will be of long-term duration and trusted by all participating parties leading to the synergy effect.
The SYNERGY project addressed this question with the objective to enable and enhance effective networking, matchmaking and linking of regional innovation actors from research, industry, and intermediaries operating within the Key Project Areas (KPAs) Additive Manufacturing and 3D-Printing, Nano- and Microtechnologies and Industry4.0.
In the first step, the Synergic Consortia and matchmaking open source IT tool - the SYNERGY Profiling (SynPro) Tool - has been developed by the project partners. The Synergy Profiling Tool is a software tool that analyses multiple project features and organizations' competences in order to create synergy effects between institutions that are looking for new contacts, wish to establish broader international cooperation and are interested in finding new partners from the fields of Additive Manufacturing and 3D-Printing, Nano- and Microtechnologies and Industry4.0. The module implements algorithms based on graph theory, which enable finding multicriteria links between the research and business areas of individual organizations.
- Section PROJECTS is a living database of finalized and running projects located mainly in Central Europe. The projects are assigned to one (or more than one) of the three Key Project’s Areas (KPAs).
- Section ORGANIZATIONS is a database of entities taking part in the projects listed in the PROJECTS sections. Mainly lead partners of the projects are presented. However, it is possible to register any organization in the database, connection to the project is not obligatory.
- Section MAP presents records of organization based on selected criteria, it includes also visualization.
- International cooperation improvement
- Access to project results and achievements
- Supporting synergies between organizations
- Possibility of offering organizations' services and infrastructure.
In the second step, an international analysis of 253 research, industrial and regional development projects was executed in order to gather and group regional innovation actors of common areas of expertise and interests to identify potential participants of cooperation development. The novel approach relays on assessment of real organization achievements within innovative project realization in contrary to the non-binding declaration contained in the profile descriptions of these organizations. The source of knowledge about the actual competences and achievements of individual organizations is the database of projects in which the organization participated. For matchmaking the developed IT-Tool (O.T1.1) - the SYNERGY Profiling Tool - has been used.
- The main impacts and benefits of the international projects analysis and matchmaking pilot actions are:
- Collecting information on 253 projects in one, friendly-accessible database
- Connecting organizations dealing with similar research areas in different regions and countries
- Ensuring complementarity of research and services.
- In the following we provide you with links to all relevant outputs and tools:
- SYNERGY Profiling (SynPro) Tool
SYNERGY Profiling Tool; Image Source: SYNERGY Project