HOME – Non-EU Nationals and Integration through Accessible Services

P2: LAG Escartons and Waldensians Valleys

With the pilot action in Pellice Valley we want to facilitate non-Eu nationals’ access to the local society, and help them in breaking the wall of bureaucracy, the first step to an easier life in a new Country. Therefore, our first target group is made of help desk operators, who are competent in bureaucratic matters, but might need support in receiving requests from persons belonging to different cultures.

Cultural Mediators will support operators in gaining intercultural communication skills. The migrants’ community will help us as first testers. Migrants will be positively affected by those new competences when they will deal with local services providers participating in the action.

We chose this approach in a view of community empowerment, to create a stable network between different stakeholders, providing sustainability to the pilot action.


This pilot is the outcome of a confrontation with the key players in the migrants reception in Pellice valley. GAL EVV has identified a difficulty for migrants in accessing local society especially when they have to deal with fiscal bureaucracy, household management and labor documents. We prepared the actions with an idea to solve or at least mitigate this problem.


This approach is something new for the area and really experimental: usually non-profit organisations, volunteers or other types of association provide support to non-EU citizens by helping them to get by the many administrative procedures: they are a great support but they obviously lack information and knowledge on many topics.

We have approached the problem from another perspective and here lies the innovation: we want to involve those professionals having very specific and deep knowledge of all administrative and bureaucratic matters, in particular desk operators, by supporting them in welcoming requests and needs coming from non-EU citizens. Hopefully a stable network will stem from this pilot. We hope that this pilot action will be able to provide a comprehensive response to new citizens needs and to activate the process aimed at transforming the perceived presence of migrants as a problem into a real growth opportunity for a rural area suffering from a constant population decrease.


D.T2.2.2 - Pilot Action Concept - P2

D.T2.5.2 - Pilot Action Final Report - P2


  1. Porporato High school - https://www.liceoporporato.edu.it/
  2. Social Cooperative “La Dua Valadda” - http://www.laduavaladda.it/ - https://www.facebook.com/laduavaladdascs/
  3. Cooperative Grow Together “Cas Pinerolo” - https://www.coopcrescereinsieme.org/homepage/ 
  4. Torre Pellice municipality - https://www.comune.torrepellice.to.it/ - https://www.facebook.com/ComunediTorrePellice
  5. Waldensian Diaconia - https://www.diaconiavaldese.org/ - https://www.facebook.com/migrantidiaconia/ 
# Stakeholder’s official name Stakeholder’s name in English Category Web page/Facebook/Instagram link
1 Liceo G.F. Porporato Porporato High school Educational body https://www.liceoporporato.edu.it/
2 Cooperativa Sociale La Dua Valadda Social Cooperative “La Dua Valadda” Social Cooperative



3 Cooperativa Crescere Insieme "Cas Pinerolo" Cooperative Grow Together “Cas Pinerolo” Social Cooperative https://www.coopcrescereinsieme.org/homepage/
4 Comune di Torre Pellice Torre Pellice municipality Local Public Authority



5 Diaconia valdese Waldensian Diaconia non-profit organization/ ecclesiastical body


