EMI BLK – Empowering Migrants´ Integration

P12: Burgenland District (DE)

Due to the migration changes in the last decade, the German government has approved a lot of projects and programs which aim to help asylum seekers and refugees to learn the German language or find a job or an apprenticeship. However, many migrants who are already integrated in the labor market are not integrated into society. As a consequence, the integration progress is not fulfilled and therefore unsuccessful, as they cannot feel as a part of society. For migrants from Burgenland District it is very difficult to find local friends and build relations with local people. This could be the main reason why young migrants don´t want to stay in rural areas and prefer to move to larger cities.

 The idea of this pilot action is to organize weekend camps for both young migrant and German adults. During this weekend camps the participants will be involved in teambuilding, sport activities, outdoor and indoor activities, which are relevant for the Burgenland District (e.g. wine production).

Participants will be divided in mixed groups and will compete against each other through the collection of points for team’s punctuality, teamwork, creativity, responsibility, etc.

After the first camp, the best participants will be chosen and professionally trained on the topics of leadership and event organization. This way they would have a motivation to lead the future teams of the upcoming camps and also will obtain a valuable point their CVs.


All lessons learnt during the study trips across Europe contributed to design of this pilot action concept. Therefore, the experiences gained through these visits but also the recommendations applied from the Transnational Strategy will have a direct impact on both the Burgenland District and its Migration Agency, as such a project was never developed in the region. This way, the Burgenland District will become a more attractive place to live for young non-EU migrants.


Until now, there was no program available for young working migrants that work on their social integration. Therefore, this would be the main innovative idea. Besides that, all stakeholders involved are given the opportunity to freely develop and propose their own ideas and activities. The fact that this pilot action is targeting not only non-EU migrants but also German is going to break down the barrier of unfamiliarity and unawareness existing between both parts of the society. The idea of 3-days-camps instead of one-day-activities is more effective, efficient and sustainable, as it leads to the higher chances of making friends in between participants.


D.T2.2.2 - Pilot Action Concept - P12

D.T2.5.2 - Pilot Action Final Report - P12


  1. BBI Consultancy and Education Institute Ltd (in Burgenland District) - bbi-bildung.de/home/
  2. BVU Ltd (in Burgenland District) -  www.bvu-gmbh.de/
  3. International Confederation - www.internationaler-bund.de/
  4. Volunteering Forum -  www.forum-ehrenamt.net
  5. Allsports Weißenfels registered society - de-de.facebook.com/AllsportsWSF
  6. CultureVilla Kolorit - www.kolorit.de/
  7. Association for Martial Arts Jodan Kamae - www.ju-jutsu-zeitz.de/