Pilgrim Pages - Magazine about the NewPilgrimAge Project
The Mindspace team usually works with fun and easy-going methods to get the local community in Budapest moving. This time, they made a whole little magazine called “Pilgrim Pages” dedicated to the NewPilgrimAge Project.

The original idea comes from their local magazine called “8OLDAL” (8 pages) distributed in the eighth district. It contains easily digestible content from local news to unique stories about the people living there. Sometimes you can also find games and recipes in the magazine. The graphic work also deserves a special praise, it’s not just fun to read, it’s fun to look at as well. It was designed by Lili Thury.
In the “Pilgrim Pages” you can read about the project’s main goal, community building and an exclusive interview with St. Martin itself. In addition, there is a map and flow chart to make every step of the NewPilgrimAge Project clear to those who have not heard of it so far. If you want to know more, the best way is to get the magazine itself. Hopefully, it will be distributed in every NPA city when the epidemic situation is over. The online version is available on this website in five languages, just click here.
Stay Safe!