Project name RainBO (www.rainBolife.eu)
Objective Objective 3.1
Priority Natural and cultural resources
Aim In the context of European initiatives to raise awareness and take actions to face climate change, The Life funded RainBO project (LIFE15CCA/IT/00035) is a project aiming to improve
knowledge, methods and tools to tackle local extreme precipitations and floods. The study areas are located at the moment in Bologna (Ravone catchment) and Parma (Parma catchment), in
Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy. The project consortium is coordinated by Lepida SpCA and involves the Municipality of Bologna, ArpaE and two SME: MEEO Srl and Nier SpA.
The actual results of the project is an advanced platform for weather monitoring, the development of a software platform to provide data from survey, forecasts and models for administrations and water authorities before and during extreme and localized precipitation in sensitive river basins. The platform permit the the creation of vulnerability and hazard maps of the interested territory. The maps can be used from Civil protection authority
Results Expand to european level and to relevant the basin that can be covered from the RainBO Platform. Therefore we are looking for Central Europe funded project and Cooperation with operational projects and products already available on different regional scales and on other river basins; Specifically we are looking at:

- Involving European partners and project active in areas, who deal with climate change;
- Improve usability and data sharing to european level;
- Identification of detection indexes in the Early Warning system to an european level.
Partners involved Lepida ScPA (www.lepida.net) is a subsidiary (in House) of the Emilia-Romagna Region and is the main operational instrument as regards implementation of the Regional ICT Plan that defines the strategies of broadband networks, ensures and optimizes the delivery of ICT services, develops cloud infrastructure, implements and manages innovative solutions for the modernization of digital infrastructure in accordance with the provisions of the European, National and Regional Digital Agendas.
Partners requested Given the peculiarity of fourth call we are looking for projects funded and partners involved by Central Europe and public authorities (and others) that need to organize monitoring systems related to climate change protection. Our project is an already very developed test bed that can be applied in other European areas
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