Transnational Tools
June, 8th 2018.
As a conclusion of WPT1, CONNECT2CE project has implemented a decision support tool for all the 3 thematic areas (Public Service Obligation/Timetable harmonisation, Multimodal Integrated Ticketing and Tariff Systems, Passenger Information Systems). In other words it can be summarized that the public service contract for operating cross-border services is the main “hardware” while timetable harmonisation is the energy to let the hardware running and the ticketing system and passenger information system are the key software of the efficient passenger transport.
Managing public transport in an efficient way always needs a special attention to different possible options to choose depending on the characteristic of the survey area and of course on the financial resources. There are several EU directives regulating the area as well as local regulations, social discounts and technical standards to just mention a few of them. Harmonising all of these aspects can be a very challenging task for related authorities, who are usually overload with other tasks and daily operational problems to be tackled. What is even more a benefit of this Interreg Central Europe transnational territorial cooperation programme is the support towards the cross-border traffic, which has no historical precedent in the most of the cases. Consequently, it raised only limited or no attention when defining national regulations and technical interoperability standards. The current thematic tool deliverables are aiming to guide decision makers in this area with more than normal difficulties for running and setting-up public transport services.
To do so, the transnational tool starts with a common set of general questions in order to properly identify the most problematic theme for the user and therefore addressing the following in depth analysis in one or more of the following thematic questionnaires. Thus, in a web-based user-friendly platform (Eusurvey) each user should find the potential solution (based on best practices) in how to set-up, run and efficiently operate an attractive and competitive cross-border public transportsystem. To sum-upwith a few user-tailored questions in a few minutes the expert or the decision-maker can get an answer to his/her questions and doubts without proof-reading hundreds of pages of different deliverables.
CONNECT2CE transnational tools are accessible here:
Project documentation can be downloaded from the following link: