Current state studies
Socio-economic study
ACCENDO processed the Socio-economic study of TRITIA region. The aim of the socio-economic study is to map population distribution according to socio-economic characteristics, including analysis of long-term changes (population aging, migration trends), thus, creating a basis for strategy development, study focusing on the development of all territorial self-governing units in the TRITIA area of interest and on the development of selected pilot cities.
Epidemiologic study
ACCENDO processed the epidemiologic study of TRITIA region. All epidemiologic data were interpreted by statisticians, sociologists and epidemiologists. The aim of the socio-economic study is to map the impact of air pollution on selected diagnoses. The data from the EUROSTAT database at NUTS-2 level were used to map the TRITIA situation. For a more detailed analysis of the area, a unique database of health data at the LAU-1 level (districts and powiaty) was created within the AIR TRITIA project, which contains data on the number of deaths for pre-specified diagnoses in each age group. On the basis of these data, it was possible to determine the standardized mortality rate for the LAU-1 statistical territorial units across the borders of 3 states.