
Demographic database ACCENDO processed the unified spatial database of demographic data of the whole TRITIA region with focus on partner FUAs around cities Ostrava, Opava, Opole, Rybnik and Žilina. Database is used as base project models and other analytical activities within the project.
Geographic spatial database The database comprises administrative structures, built up areas, buildings, DMT and address points, for the whole TRITIA area in needed scale unified to the common coordinated system (WGS).
Meteorological spatial database VSB obtained the specially treated meteorological data in needed form of stability wind roses (SWR) for years 2006, 2010 and 2015. VSB processed the SWR into the input data for the ADMoSS system modelling. All the data are compiled
Traffic spatial database VSB processed lacking data from Poland a compiled the database for the whole TRITIA region. The database comprises the data on traffic intensity (AADT with division to a vehicle type) and needed attributes (traffic speed, traffic flow) connected to the communication network in scale 1:10 000 for the years 2006, 2010 and 2015. All the data are compiled.
Domestic boilers spatial database VSB processed the lacking data and calculated emissions from domestic boilers over all TRITIA region. The database comprises the data on domestic boilers with all needed data for the calculation of emission for the years 2006, 2010 and 2015. All the data are compiled.
Industrial sources spatial database VSB controlled gathered data, localized and processed it in GIS. The data lacking the benzo(a)pyrene and PM2,5 emissions were treated and emissions were calculated. The data from Poland were corrected and cleaned up. The database comprises the localized data on industrial sources for the years 2006, 2010 and 2015. All the data are compiled.
Socio-economic database ACCENDO processed the unified spatial database of socio economic data of the whole TRITIA region with focus on partner FUAs around cities Ostrava, Opava, Opole, Rybnik and Žilina. These data will provide the information about current socio-economic situation of inhabitants in target area, for effective targeting of measures within developed air quality strategies.
Epidemiologic database ACCENDO processed the unified spatial database of epidemiologic data of the whole TRITIA region with focus on partner FUAs around cities Ostrava, Opava, Opole, Rybnik and Žilina. The data contains information about diseases connected to the air quality.  These data will provide the information about current health situation of inhabitants in target area, for effective targeting of measures within developed air quality strategies

Joint output of project partners - Unified database of solved territory.