Pedalling by the Po: the GI benefits of "VENTO"

GI Benefit of the month #13: Green Infrastructure and tourism & recreation
Each month we introduce a particular benefit of green infrastructure including examples from the project’s case study areas and across central Europe.

VENTO (VENezia to TOrino) is a cycling route along the River Po in Northern Italy that will connect the cities of Venice and Turin and is more than 600 km long. It will support both tourism and sustainable local transport options. VENTO is a cycle infrastructure project enshrined in the National Stability Law of 2016 and is currently undergoing a technical and economic feasibility study.

VENTO will provide the catalyst for new green infrastructure (GI) along the route and will provide GI benefits such as improved health, accessibility to more attractive destinations, recreation and better connected cycling routes. For the regions and communities alongside the route the project will create new jobs and support local green economies.

VENTO is a long term vision of regional development. It broadens the focus beyond local policies and fosters inter-regional coordinated action.


rice fields
VENTO logo
cycling tour

Photos: Progretto VENTO/Politecnico di Milano, gruppo di ricerca