Capacity building Wave 2
On April 15th with "I4.0 Opportunity assessment" event, Capacity Building Wave 2 was launched.
Four training events will provide local and international BSOs (Business Support Organizations) knowledge and skills - developed in the context of European projects - useful for supporting the development and digitization of local entreprises.
All training events are offered as part of the European Boost4BSO project activities and will involve BSOs from the Central European area: Italy, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Italy and Austria.
During the 1st session, organized by Friuli Innovazione and MESAP, participating BSOs had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of Industry 4.0 Readiness self-check for businesses tool. The tool was commissioned by the IMPULS Foundation of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) and conducted by IW Consult (a subsidiary of the Cologne Institute for Economic Research) and the Institute for Industrial Management (FIR) at RWTH Aachen University. VDMA experts and some industry representatives served in an advisory capacity in the development of the study.
Next session will take place on 22nd April and then every Thursday. We will keep you informed here and on social media as well.