Budgeting of cross-border projects Poland-Slovakia / Slovakia-Czech Republic
On 24th April 2020 a strategic workshops on Budgeting of selected cross-border projects took place. The second "part" of the workshop was focused on Polish - Slovak and Slovak - Czech border crossings and projects related to them, including their budget allocation and its source of financing as well as timeframes and institutions responsible for the investments. Due to general worldwide situation COVID-19, the meeting was organised online. It was participated by Polish, Slovak and Czech key stakeholders and decision-makers. After the introduction of the Project Manager, the meeting was started by the Experts from Silesian University of Technology. The substantial part was exchange of knowledge and information with stakeholders as well as data collecting. The first presentation was given by Lead Partner’s experts, who presented the Polish projects and their current status updated, especially railway and road investments connected with Zwardoń state border. The concept of tunnel through Polish-Slovak border was discussed.
The results of discussions on cross-border projects during the workshops were collected on a dedicated worksheet. After the workshop the document will be shared with all participants in order to complete missing information. Thanks to the information collected, in the effect the cross-border projects will be analysed in terms of priorities, their owners, timeframes, budget allocation and source of financing.
After all discussions were conducted and arrangments were set, the workshop was finished.