1st Project and Steering Committee
29 - 30 August, Ljubljana, Slovenia

All project partners – Day 2

Project meeting (day 1) – skype call with the work package leader in charge of communication

Project meeting (day 2) – Michal/DEX IC is presenting the tasks as WP leader of WP T1

Project meeting (day 1) – Tamara/AEN is presenting the tasks as WP leader of WP T2
The 1st Project and Steering Comittee Meeting was the first official project get-together after the initial kick-off meeting in Liberec, Czechia. Attending partners had the opportunity to present an update on their activites, as well as voice ideas and concerns regarding the future and wellbeing of the project.
Ms. Lucie Noswitz welcomed all the partners at the 1st Project and Steering Committee Meeting. She introduced the meeting agenda and plan of work for the 2 upcoming days. All partners presented themselves shortly as not all participated in the Kick of Meeting held in Liberec in May 2019.
The start-up activities of the projet were mentioned at the very beginning of the meeting: Subsidy Contract, Project Partnership Agreement, Project management team & Steering Committee set up, Kick of Meeting, Internal communication tools set-up, Project management Handbook, Monthly Virtual Meetings, Template for quality and scientific monitoring report.
Lucie presented the workplan for upcoming period. Tamara presented the road map of the WP T2 and she also mentioned the tasks and first activities with their deadlines according to the application form. Sieglinde from AEN found CE-Connector start-up events that could be used within the project. Other partners were kindly asked and contact Sieglinde in case they wanted to participate in these events.
Michal mentioned during his presentation the target groups of the project. He reminded the programme logo and rules of its use. He also presented a questionaire to regulatory screening report (D.T1.1.1) and elaborated on the draft strategy (D.T1.1.2). He described how to work when elaborating the competitive analysis and unique selling points for both target groups and shared with the audience the analysis which was prepared for a territory of Czech Republic.
Jan emphasized that partners should not copy and paste the values for target groups but tailor them to their own local conditions.
Michal thanked to the partners for contributions and their questionnairs. He also mentioned the need to create some crucial project documents such as: the Regulatory Screening report, Draft of Strategy, Joined Feedback Report, Join Operational Manual, as well as the CE-Connector Training Pack. He promised to share his comments with them soon after this meeting.