2nd CE-Connector Days
9-10 June 2021, online, Poland
European entrepreneurs saved this date in their calendars. CE-Connector Days was an exceptional event of this year.
The second CE-Connector Days was organized online on 9th and 10th of June. The conference attracted 170 attendees from all around Europe, including startup founders, investors and public authorities. The main goal was to share quality content, experience and entertainment for all.
During the first part of the first day, panellists shared their knowledge with attendees about truly thought-provoking issues. The convention brought up the importance of intellectual property in a business, the value of business metrics in tech startups, interface ideas for the future and interesting look into AI. All of the speeches were engaging, and initiated interesting Q&A sessions.

One of our panellists during delivery of a workshop
Later that day, the 6 most promising startups from the CE-Connector project presented their pitches during Demo Time. Attendees actively asked them questions and appreciated the possibility to learn from their experience.
After those dynamic and full-knowledge presentations, the participants were given the opportunity to watch one of the best movies about startups – „Chasing Unicorns”. CE-Connector Days is one of the first conferences to provide such an entertainment in the event agenda.
The agenda for the second conference day was focused on the private and public funding for startups. One of the most engaging workshops, which issued the importance of building meaningful business relations through the properly made LinkedIn profile, opened the program with great attention among guests. During the second part, all of the participants could hear all about the co-investment opportunities among the Central Europe territory. The second day was closed with third training for future business angels.

Communication Team resposible for organization of the second CE-Connector Days