CEETO Final Conference on Sustainable Tourism: May 14th 2020 - online
Sölktäler Nature Park (Austria) will be the host for the Final CEETO Conference, which will be organised online on May 14th 2020. Its programme includes the presentation of CEETO project results and a plenary session focused on Sustainable Tourism
Date & Time: May 14th 2020 - 09:30h CET
Organised by: Naturpark Sölktäler, Austria.
Moderated by: Christian Baumgartner, Vice-president at CIPRA International and Co-President at CIPRA Austria - International Commission for the Protection of the Alps.
Visit the Conference webpage for further information and Register to the Conference.
![CEETO Final Conference Banner- CEETO Final Conference Banner-](/genticsimagestore/8af20e1af842bc74962d2ac74aace75b-Conference-Banner-3x4.png)
CEETO Interreg Central Europe project is in its final phase and will finish at the end of May 2020. The Sölktäler Nature Park (Austria) will be the responsible institution for the organisation of the Final Conference. This wrap up event will be celebrated online and will cover the main project outputs, a plenary session on sustainable tourism and a round table will be presented.
The original plan was to host the final conference in Schladming (Styria, Austria) in order to not only communicate the results of CEETO project, but also to allow face-to-face discussions and exchange and visit the alpine regions through existing visitor guidance projects of the Park. Furthermore, the organisation of a "market place” dedicated to present the Pilot Protected Areas involved in the project and facilitate the networking among attendees in a distended atmosphere was also planned. However, the international health crisis that we are going through due to the COVID-19 outbreak has force to replace the face-to-face events for an online gathering, with its consequent limitations.
The Conference’s programme will cover, on the one hand, different examples of visitor monitoring and management measures presented by CEETO project partners. On the other hand, questions such as “how to make tourism in protected areas more sustainable” and “how to get higher added value for the local population” will be addressed by different experts on Sustainable Tourism. Besides, these considerations concerning regional and national needs will also be shared with the audience.
Additionally, an in-depth analysis of CEETO project achievements, what has worked during the project implementation and how can CEETO contribute to the further development of sustainable tourism in protected areas will also be made. Furthermore, the following tools for Sustainable Tourism development resulting from CEETO project will also be presented:
- Handbook on Successful and Innovative Sustainable Tourism Practices in Europe;
- Guidelines for developing a Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas (for Policy Makers);
- Manual of Sustainable Tourism Governance for Protected Areas managers - coming soon;
- Pilot Actions carried out in CEETO Pilot Protected Areas;
- CEETO Network.
The Conference will be moderated by Christian Baumgartner, Vice-director of the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA) and expert on Sustainable Tourism, who will contribute with his inputs on the different topics covered. You can find further information at the CEETO Final Conference wepage. Previous registration is required - Register to the CEETO Final Conference