Poznan partnership meeting

16TH  to 17th October 2019

The CIRCE2020 partners and external experts met in Poznan hosted by the Polish partner AMTrans.
On the 16TH the partners had a first brief recapitalization about the LCA and LCC International conference held the day before, followed by the review of the work done so far.
Afterwards, each partner provided the update of the pilot actions focusing on the best practice of each case studies. The info-graphics of each waste flow were also introduced.
Close to the end of the morning session, the meeting moved into a more economical and political topic about the future plan of the “EU Regional Development Fund and on the Cohesion Fund” for the 2021-2027. A format for the Regional Action Plan was also discussed. This document should provide a focus on the Circular Economy for the local policymakers.
In the afternoon the partners visited one of the Polish pilot cases, EMABO sp., a plastic recycling plant that process plastic fragments producing panels that can be used for multiple purposes (e.g. defence wall).
 The 17TH the meeting started with an open discussion about the methods and opportunities to implement the strategy for transferability of circular economy business model conceptualized by CIRCE2020.
Linked to this first topic, was also introduced the project communication plan that incorporates the presentation of the Circular Economy week in each region, the video-documentary and the brochures describing the ten case studies.
 At the end of the morning session, the partners discussed the further step as the Transnational boot camp and the Intercompany Knowledge exchange seminar that will be hosted by ETRA and ARPAV in Bassano del Grappa the next month (21/22 of November).
The day ended with the organisation of the next partnership meeting in Split (HR)


                                                                            Visit at Emabo plant