Webinar: Circular Design
Chamber of commerce and industry of Slovenia is organizing a webinar “Circular design” for industry and creative sector. This is the second info day in the project, first info day was dedicated to “Service design” – recording available here. The key of these webinars is to connect the industry with the creative industry, which opens new insights to companies with their different thinking. Circular design helps companies transform processes in a way that a company changes its business model from linear to circular, so that resources and materials are managed in a sustainable way. With such planning of processes in the company, all impacts on the environment are anticipated. In these process planning, creativity is becoming increasingly important.
The webinar will take place on October 21st at 10.00, where experts in the field of circular design (Jude Sherry from “anois”, Barbara Prinčič from the Acadamy for fine arts and design of Ljubljana and Eva Štraser, company Evegreen - good practice of bioplastic pots) will present how to change your business model from linear to circular and thus contribute to environmental protection.
Event link: https://www.gzs.si/Dogodki/21-10-2020/webinar-circular-design
Jude Sherry, Director anois