COME-IN! and European Year of Cultural Heritage
The year 2018 has been declared the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH) and it represents an opportunity to celebrate Europe's cultural heritage on all levels: local, regional and national. Therefore an EU-wide communication campaign has been launched to complement national campaigns and to promote Europe's diverse cultural heritage (#EuropeForCulture).
The European Year of Cultural Heritage aims at "encouraging the sharing and appreciation of European's cultural heritage as a shared resource, plans to raising awareness of common history and values, and reinforcing a sense of belonging to a common European space".
Therefore, the COME-IN! project will make its best to adhere to various national and European campaigns to promote both, European Cultural heritage and the EYCH 2018.
As a first step we would like to highlight an Italian initiative "Pompei per tutti. Accessibilità dei siti archeologici" - Pompei for all, the accessibility of archaeological sites. An initiative which is closely linked to our project and which we would like to promote. The archaeological park Pompei represents an accessibility model thanks to its itinerary "Pompei for all", allowing everyone, without exclusions or barriers to enjoy the common archaeological heritage, also with the use of new technological devices.
On February 10th, the COME-IN! project was invited to the celebration of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, organised by the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Archaeological Site and Municipality of Pompei. The first event celebrating the year of culture focused on the accessibility to cultural heritage for all. Italian and European experts representing best practices in the field of accessibility gathered in Pompei for a seminar to discuss how accessibility is an added value for everybody. A change of perspective should be reached, but still there are existing and advanced experiences in this field that all cultural operators could benefit from, and the COME-IN! project is one of them. Indeed, the COME-IN! guidelines and handbook for training operators are real tools that numerous other cultural sites could use to improve their accessibility.
Besides the event, the COME-IN! representatives had a chance to visit the new accessible itinerary “Pompei for All”, which was launched that morning in the presence of representatives of European, Italian and local authorities.
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