Today was a day of intensive work and time full of emotions - 12 ARTISTIC project partners met online to discuss the results of work of the last few months and to plan activities summarizing the implementation of the entire project.

And although this is not the end of our work - because we will continue our activities at the local and international level for the next 2 months, until the end of August 2020, today's meeting was a milestone on the ARTISTIC path, because it allowed us to assess the advancement of the pilot action on the organization of crowdfunding campaigns for ICH originators, cooperation with private investors and to summarize the preparations for the final conference of the project and the last communication activities that will promote the results of 3 years of joint work of institutions from 8 regions of Central Europe, supported by the research partner - University of Hamburg.

These 36 months passed very quickly, and the only thing that we regret is that we didn't have the opportunity to organize this last meeting in the real world and personally exchange experiences that the ARTISTIC project enriched us with.
Yes, we have gained valuable knowledge, many experiences and we will keep many beautiful memories from this period of our life... but this is not the end of our activity... soon we will share with you reports on our latest deliverables...