The ARTISTIC project implemented in the 2017-2020, aimed to improve cooperation between cultural operators, citizens and financial operators and supported them in valorization of the intangible cultural heritage and in searching for solutions on how to make local cultural projects sustainable. To reach this objective, ARTISTIC partnership developed a strategy with a toolset and services dedicated to the cultural sector. The project helped also to create synergies of local actions from a content-related and financial point of view, particularly focusing on crowdfunding options.
As a result of the work of 12 partners, in 8 CE regions 9 ICH Desk Points were created, as elements of permanent local structures supporting creators and entities working for the preservation, development, promotion and financing of intangible cultural heritage. The Local Action Plans created for the ICH Desk Points and the Memorandum Of Understanding officially signed by the members of the Local Working Groups established in each partner country to support initiatives in the field of ICH, ensure the continuity of our activities in the future.
Entribu is a platform with crowd-generated content repository functions: it allows both public or private access to resources and a precise search experience, in order to find the material that best meets the needs of the users.
Pilot Action
ARTISTIC partnership was created to support actors of Intangible Cultural Heritage on many different levels, also by enabling them to understand how important for the cultural projects are private investors.
Although crowdfunding is well know financial tool, it's role to stimulate implementation of cultural projects is still underappreciated or simply unknown in cultural sector.
To present a positive impact of crowdfunding on different cultural initiatives dedicated to immaterial heritage, ARTISTIC planned 2nd pilot action aimed at testing the matching of projects in subject of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) with crowdfunding initiatives.
On July 7, 2020, 115 participants from the Central Europe, including project partners, experts and local actors active in the field of Intangible Cultural Heritage met to summarize and celebrate 3 years of the ARTISTIC project implementation.
Project partnership consist of twelve institutions from eight Central Europe regions, supported by University of Hamburg as a Project Partner from outside the programme area.