How to attract potential investors using CONDA platform: presentation of project ‘INVOICE EXCHANGE’
22. 11. 2016 - Ljubljana, Slovenia
The purpose of the event was to present the project ‘INVOICE EXCHANGE’ to SMEs in Slovenia, that are considering the possibility of using crowdinvesting for their future business projects.
The project INOVICE EXCHANGE was successfully backed by 91 investors, investing 80.300,00 €, mostly foreign investors on first Slovenian crowd-investing platform CONDA Slovenija.
The event was moderated by Vlado Milošević from CONDA Slovenija, which interviewed Mr Marko Rant, the director of company Borza Terjatev. Mr Rant shared with participants following experience:
- How the business idea of invoice exchange was developed and what kind of services they offer to clients,
- How company set-up contact with CONDA Slovenija platform,
- What kind of information they needed to provide to platform, so that platform could perform due diligence analysis and decide if company is appropriate for crowd-investing financing,
- How the marketing campaign was planned, implemented and what kind of communication channels they mostly used, to attract potential investors.
- What are company’s plans for the future.
More information is available here:

Invoice Exchange