Crowdfunding Convention
13. 10. 2016 - Zagreb, Croatia
The second annual Zagreb Crowdfunding Convention has been held in Zagreb on October 13th 2016. The convention has gathered around 200 leading crowdfunding experts from Europe with the aim of developing crowdfunding in the region of Southeast Europe. The speakers and panelists included representatives of every crowdfunding platform in the region, business investors, crowdfunders, lawyers specializing in the legal issues of crowdfunding, innovators, government representatives and others. The key questions Zagreb Crowdfunding Convention 2016 was keen to address were:
- How did the regional crowdfunders reach global audiences?
- How can SME's profit from using alternative crowdfunding models?
- Which are the hottest upcoming crowdfunding campaigns?
- Why do we lack a crowdfunding platform with a regional impact?
Zagreb Crowdfunding Convention was organized by Brodoto in partnership with UNDP Croatia, Crowdfunding Academy and Zelena energetska zadruga. The project was financially supported by UNDP Croatia, Embassy of the United States Zagreb – Croatia, Norwegian Embassy in Croatia, Netherlands Embassy in Zagreb, Ministry of Finance of Republic of Slovakia, HUB 385 and INTERREG – Central Europe.
More information about the project is available here:

Zagreb Crowdfunding Convention