Christmas in European Union
Christmas is one of the most important events of the year for the inhabitants of the European Union. Individual countries cultivate various Christmas traditions. However, there are also customs that remain common for the whole Europe.

Christmas dishes in Central and Eastern European countries are mostly very similar. In the Czech Republic, the Christmas table should not lack fish soup and fried carp with potato salad. In Lithuania and Poland, however, the most important custom is breaking the wafer, which is unknown in other regions of Europe.

The Christmas season is different across the Union. Traditionally, Christmas begins in Bulgaria on December 20 and lasts as many as six days. Then - on St. Ignatius Day - a Christmas tree is usually bought. However, it is decorated - just like in Poland - only on Christmas Eve - on 24 December. In Spain, the Christmas season begins on December 22 with a great Christmas lottery.

In Greece, Christmas Eve is not celebrated. Also in the Netherlands, holidays are only celebrated on December 25 and 26. Belgians celebrate Christmas Day (December 25), and December 26 is already a normal working day for them. For the inhabitant of the Czech Republic, the Christmas period ends with the Epiphany festival.
As Christmas is coming with huge steps, the whole Team of ARTISTIC Project would like to share with you best wishes:
Peaceful Christmas spent with loved ones in a warm, family atmosphere, and just happy days in the coming new year.