"Crowd Innovation for Companies"
Pilot Action 

From July-October 2020, the SYNERGY Project team is carrying out the Online Pilot Action “Crowd Innovation for Companies” on the Synergic Crowd Innovation Platform (SCIP). This pilot action connects companies with a project idea that requires technical solutions with suitable problem solvers from the online crowd who present matching technical solutions from the key project areas of Additive Manufacturing and 3D-Printing, Micro- and Nanotechnologies and Industry 4.0. 

Crowd innovation as a revolutionary process for research and innovation projects’ development.

By matching innovative ideas – Industry 4.0, Additive Manufacturing & 3D-Printing and Micro- & Nanotechnologies - with specific technical competences, the SYNERGY platform has created an opportunity for research teams to receive direct support from other interested researchers in a quick and simple way.

Discover how the platform works!

What we Offer
This pilot action offers an easy and fast way to find a suitable solution for your project idea among co-workers from our problem solver network. Find the perfect co-worker for your project and increase awareness for your project idea and chances of success! This action offers the best conditions for the development of long-term collaborations. 

Participate in this Pilot Action
Challenge Giver
If you are a representative of a company, for example, an SME or a large enterprise, as well as of a business support organisation, the SYNERGY platform offers you the opportunity to present your challenge and find technical support for a solution from 1st July through  5th October 2020.

  1. Register on the SYNERGY Platform
  2. Upload your project idea (your challenge) with a request of technical competences by 21st September 2020 
  3. The solution providers will propose solutions for your challenge 
Solution Provider
If you are a representative of a higher education and research institution, a business support organisation or a member from the general public, explore the projects/challenges on the platform and contribute with your expertise. Present your solution and you could be selected and awarded by the Idea Givers!

  1. Register on the SYNERGY Platform
  2. Look at the uploaded challenges and offer your expertise! Add your competences and submit your solution by 5th October 2020 
  3.  The SYNERGY jury will select the best solution proposals (research plans) and award the winners with a voucher 

Process of SYNERGY Pilot Action on Crowd Innovation for Companies

Process of SYNERGY Pilot Action on Crowd Innovation for Companies

Useful Example
1. Company A has a technical problem related to the efficiency of one of the machines on production line. However internal staff has no expertise, knowledge or time to deal with the problem.
2. Company A is creating a challenge on SCIP platform to solve their problem. Company A describes their challenge, all conditions and expected results. Also a prize for the problem solvers should be defined as well as assessment conditions.
3. The challenge is launched by company A and accessible on the SCIP platform, so its users can see it and they provide their solutions of the problem. They can also build teams to provide common solution.
4. After closing the challenge, company A is assessing all provided solution according predefined conditions. All solutions are rated as well as their providers.
5. The best solution, with highest rate, is awarded by Company A.  
Two vouchers to the value of up to 3.000 EUR will be assigned to the best research plans. The vouchers will be delivered to the solution providers and can be used to acquire useful services such as patent analysis, research ordering and many others.  

Invitation Leaflet for Online Pilot Action “Crowd Innovation for Companies”
Invitation Pilot Action on Crowd Innovation for Companies (English) 

Template for Solution Proposal: 
SYNERGY_Research Plan Template_PA O.T4.6 (English)
Contact Information
If you have any questions, you can contact us via the following e-mail address synergy@pwr.edu.pl  or via the communication functions on the platform https://synergyplatform.pwr.edu.pl/