RSAGs meetings
We're meeting with our local stakeholders to establish the five RSAGs (Regional Stakeholder Advisory Groups), one per region: these groups will be crucial for the implementation and achievement of ENTRAIN objectives.
Stakeholders include local and regional authorities, district heating utilities, energy and development agencies and consumers.
First meetings:
- Energy Agency of Savinjska, Šaleška and Koroška Region (KSSENA) and Javne službe Ptuj, d. o. o. - Slovenia - 2nd October, Ptuj
- North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency (REGEA) - Croatia - 16 October, Zagreb
- Energy Management Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia (APE FVG) - Italy - 24 October, Udine
- Wood Energy Association Baden-Württemberg (HEF) and Regional Association Neckar-Alb (RVNA) - Germany - 5 November, Mössingen
- Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Cités" (PNEC) (Poland) - 27 February, Płońsk
...our meetings continue online!