Folk dancing is a mixture of country dancing, waltz and polka. Around 80 different dances are danced to folk music pieces, which either have regional names (Ennstaler Polka, East Styrian Landler, Aussee-Styrian, Salzburg Reel, Veitsch Masuria, ...) or are named after the type of dance (Klatschwalzer (waltz), Fröhlicher Kreis (happy circle), Sternpolka (star polka), Siebenschritt (seven step), Paschater Zwoaschritt (two step), einfacher Dreher (simple reel), …). The dances and music are handed down through generations and are danced at folk festivals and on social occasions. The Alpine style of folk dance
is informal and authentic – a genuine cultural asset. Every folk dance event combines dance, (traditional Gstanzl) singing, traditional costumes and authentic folk music. Anyone can join in (even without traditional costume). Folk dancing has become very popular again with many young people. Regular folk dancing courses are on offer to suit all age groups. “Public folk dances” are open to all, i.e. they are not closed events. They take place several times a year in different locations in the Styrian Vulkanland (there are no events in Advent, Lent or the summer holidays). But you can’t dance without music. And the dancing is inextricably linked with folk music. Information on dates and further announcements at