FramWat National Consultations in Croatia

The First National stakeholder meeting within the FramWat Project in Croatia took place on 10 May in Zagreb, Croatia. Organizer Croatian Waters presented to more than 30 participants from the ministries, national public authority, local public authority, NGOs, academia, international organizations etc. main activities and outcomes of the project and explained the pilot actions that will take place in the selected pilot area - Bednja river basin. The main topic in the meeting was the discussion with the participants about the Natural Water Retention Measures and where to locate them and possibilities for implementing them in the basin. The participants were informed about the European projects in which Croatian Waters are now included, stressing the importance of the FramWat Project and exchange of experience with stakeholders. The FramWat Project was presented in detail, both in general and per all work packages, as well as its objective, expected results and foreseen activities. The pilot area of the Bednja river basin was presented in detail and application of mathematical models in the Bednja river basin was presented. At the end of the workshop, a concluding discussion took place about all the topics covered. The stakeholders presented their opinions, comments and views about the presented topics.