FramWat National Consultations in Poland

The first national consultations with stakeholders within the FramWat project were held on 16th May at Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland. The event brought together 25 participants from 15 organizations including: Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, National and Regional Water Management Authorities, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, REC-Poland, Greenmind Foundation, University of Gdańsk, Warsaw University of Technology and local public authorities. During the meeting the main objectives and outcomes of the FramWat project were presented to the audience. Additionally, general description of NSWRM and possibilities of their financing in Poland were given. The key topic of the meeting was the discussion about the tools designed in the project and NSWRM planned for implementing in the pilot catchment of the Kamienna river. The stakeholders presented their expectations about the tools’ functionality and commented on the proposed measures in the Kamienna catchment. They also stressed that the main problem in water management and flood protection in Poland is related to lack of efficient cooperation between municipalities.