FramWat National Consultations in Slovenia

1st National event within FramWat project in Slovenia took place on 10th of May 2018. Organizers Limnos, Ltd. and University of Ljubljana presented to more than 20 participants from academia, ministries, municipalities, NGOs, etc. main activities and outcomes of the project and explain pilot actions that will take place in the selected pilot area – Kaminska Bistrica. Also, Slovenian Water Agency (FramWat associated partner) participated in the event. Main focus of the event was on discussion with the participants about the Natural Water Retention measures. Where can we locate them, how effective they are and what are possibilities (especially from legislation point of view) for their extended implementation in Slovenia. It was emphasized that more focus should be put on NWRM and their positive effects on water balance and quality. Intersectoral cooperation and better understanding of NWRMs cumulative effects would be the biggest support to move these measures from “being on papers” to the real environment. There was a general agreement that NWRM should be integrated into river basin management practices and aligned with other measures to protect Slovenia from flooding and reach good ecological status or rivers.