FramWat Project Partners Met in Ljubljana to Discuss the FroGIS Tool

On 22 November 2018 in Lubljana, Slovenia all project partners and affiliate partners participated in a Feedback Workshop which was organized together with the 3rd Project Meeting. At the workshop project partners presented the results of pilot actions (carried out with the use of FroGIS tool) in the pilot catchments in their countries. This meeting also allowed project partners to express their needs for the FroGIS tool and to suggest ways to make the tool more user friendly for the public.
FroGIS Tool
One of the goals of the FramWat project is to develop three methods to improve the N(S)WRM planning process in the basin scale. In order to test those methods in practice, some of them were transformed into an application which in the future will become a part of a larger decision support system enabling communication between stakeholders (local authorities) and catchment management authorities. FroGIS is the first tool that develops a valorisation map of the needs and possibilities for implementing small water retention measures. It was developed as a publicly available and intuitive application that can be used in the first stage of planning. In addition, this application is designed with Open Source software and will be published in a portal which enables its further development. FroGIS is meant to have a universal character, which would allow using it in Central Europe. The tool is available online and can be tested with available sample data or data provided by the user.
Link to FroGIS: