GIS Tool Training in Warsaw

Training on the application of the GIS Tool was held on 16th and 17th of May. It was organized at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Poland. The workshop was attended by 22 participants from 9 project partner organizations (from 6 countries) and 3 associated partner organizations. The main aim of the workshop was to demonstrate the practical application of the valorization methodology and train involved partners on how to pre-process the input data and apply the GIS tool. It was also an opportunity to test the prototype of the GIS tool in different river basins. The capacity of the software was tested as well.
Organizers and developers of the tool received feedback and ideas for improvements. After the workshops participants went for a field trip to a Natura 2000 site by the Vistula river banks.
The GIS tool and resources from the training course will be publicly available on the (periodically on