HICAPS Regional Workshop in City of Varaždin
On the 10 September 2018, City of Varaždin, organized a regional workshop as a part of the project HICAPS (HIstorical CAstle ParkS).
Deputy Mayor Sandra Malenica welcomed all participants on behalf of the City of Varaždin and Spomenka Težak from the City Museum of Varaždin gave a short lecture about the history of the city promenade.
City of Varaždin had a special pleasure to host guests from the partner country of Slovenija. Project manager Helena Knez presented the project and a pilot area of the City of Velenje. Mirjana Nenad as a representative of the partner organization Scientific research centre Bistra Ptuj presented a pilot area of the City of Ptuj and Maja Bevc from University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, rounded up the workshop and gave the lecture with the special emphasis on the topic of architectural approaches to project and pilot areas.
After completing all the presentations, thoughts, ideas and suggestions were exchanged among participants. Sharing different experiences and insights about the implementation of the project, will most certainly contribute to a more effective continuation of the implementation of activities related to the project HICAPS.