Third transnational partner meeting in Ptuj
Scientific research centre Bistra Ptuj hosted HICAPS third transnational partner meeting that took place on 10th and 11th of April 2018 in Ptuj, Slovenia. Representatives from all partner organizations attended the meeting.
As in the previous meetings, the lead partner and the leaders of the work packages informed all present about what has been done so far and what are the further steps and tasks that partnership has to achieve. Upcoming tasks were discussed and debated in a very productive atmosphere.
WP T1 leader Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship informed partners about: D.T1.1.3 - Good practices analysis report; D.T1.1.4 - Concept of transnational strategy; D.T1.1.7 – Transnational strategy; D.T1.1.5 – Regional information workshop;D.T1.2.1 - Report on of most appropriate locations for pilot areas and LAP;D.T1.2.2- Stakeholders meetings; D.T1.2.4 – Local Action plan.
WP T2 leader Fondazione Villa Ghigi presented outcomes and planning of activities concerning the deliverables: D.T2.1.1- Workshops with public sector; D.T2.1.2- Preparation of materials for transnational guidelines; D.T2.2.1 - Socio-historical overview report; D.T2.2.2 - Plant diversity and their value; D.T2.2.3 - Educational outdoor trail tool; D.T2.3.1 - Quality review report on proposed tools; D.T2.3.2 - Handbook on landscape accessibility for all.
WP leader Association “Mala filozofija” presented an overview on WP Communication, and discussed about the tasks and results that need to be achieved in the communication field by the end of the project.
At the end of the meeting we took a walk through beautiful Park Turnišče and visited the pilot sight for our project.
So what went on for two days in a row?
During our two-day meeting, significant information and ideas were shared. By mutual effort from all partner organizations further steps and tasks were planned in the sincere desire that the project and the partnership continue to be successful as it did so far.