Regional workshop in Bologna
The workshop, jointly organised by the Municipality of Ferrara and the Villa Ghigi Foundation from Bologna, was held on Wednesday 19 September in Bologna in the premises of the Foundation.
The workshop attended regional stakeholders, in particular, representatives from public institutions, research and educational bodies. Apart from the goal to collect their requests and assess their needs in terms of information and support necessary to start innovative initiatives similar to the ones planned within the HICAPS project, workshop also had the aim to promote a full exchange of knowledge between the two project partners located in the Emilia-Romagna region, with the key goal to coordinate the development of their ongoing pilot actions and the definition of the respective Local Action Plans.
After a reminder of the key objectives and activities of HICAPS, as well as a presentation of the key actors involved in the project, the Municipality of Ferrara and the Villa Ghigi Foundation presented their ideas, plans and the key topics for the implementation of the pilot actions both in Ferrara and Bologna.
The discussion not only paved the way to many synergisms that have been identified between the two pilot actions in Bologna and Ferrara, defining the basis for a major collaboration in their implementation, but also gave the opportunity to point out several key issues that will be definitely included in the set of guidelines and recommendations that HICAPS is going to develop for supporting a wider diffusion of its innovative models and tools.