HoCare2.0 partner meeting in Cremona moves the project forward
After almost 2 years, the project partners had the chance to finally meet face to face in Cremona, Italy during 5th Project meeting. The meeting in sunny Cremona was hosted by one of our Italian project partners, Cremona Chamber of Commerce.
One of the main topics was the current state of art of the SME and Policy Pilots. The pilots are progressing in all 6 territories with the goal of delivery and deployment of highly innovative products (SME Pilots) and services (Policy Pilots) for health and social care. In upcoming weeks, the partners are about to organize Go HoCare2.0 roadshows in Italy, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Czechia and Slovenia. During the series of events, you can learn about how co-creation approach works in praxis and details about local Pilots.
Other hot topic was also the acceptance and sustainabiltity after the project ends. Our goal is to make sure that co-creation approach will be included into the design of tenders of Public Service Providers and also further used within product development. We aim to deliver systematic change in the territorial innovation ecosystems (specifically in the area of health andocial home care) and will shift them towards Open Innovation 2.0. During the meeting, we set up the main direction of our strategy that will be now further developed.
These are the main outputs of the 5th Project meeting, Stay tuned for your territorial roadshow stops!