Debriefing : The first team meeting
17.01.2018 - 18.01.2018 - Katowice, Poland

As already announced, project team “INNO-WISEs” all gathered in Katowice (Poland) on the 17th & 18th January for our first project team meeting.
Our Polish partner Stowarzyszenie Współpracy Regionalnej (SWR), association for Regional Co-Operation, received the leader partner – Fondazione Politecnico di Milano – and all the project partners during these two days.
This meeting was important to give a general overview of the actual situation of the project but also to fix the next step for the project INNO-WISEs. It was also an opportunity to discuss and bring forward the first national and regional reports made in Lombardia, Croatia, Slovenia and Poland. The reports focused on integration social enterprises behavior related on managerial, marketing and technological aspects.
Those reports results will be used for the implementation of tools and activities in order to develop technological innovation capabilities and skills of WISEs and more specifically to enhance the statut of work integration social enterprises.