Kick-off and 1st Transnational Partner Meeting in Vienna,
06. + 07.07.2017
28 expterts from 5 European countries discussed the approaches, main issues and expectations on the project SHAREPLACE.
Together with 10 partners and 1 associated partner AustriaTech kicked-off the European funded project SHAREPLACE with the goal of devising an innovative approach for developing and implementing sustainable and intelligent mobility services in Central Europe.
Accessibility to the local transport network and connectivity towards the main access points along the TEN-T network are critical issues in the participating Central Europe regions. Especially lacking integrated mobility services hamper the use of acceptable alternatives to private (motorized) transport hardly possible. In most of the regions, intense car traffic and low occupation rates - not least because of missing alternatives - remain a problem. For the participating regions, the development and implementation of new mobility services represent a major challenge to be tackled within the project.
SHAREPLACE intends to foster new mobility patterns based on the use of low carbon and resource-use efficient services, with great attention to territorial and social inclusion. One aim is to enhance the accessibility of peripheral areas to regional transport systems and nearby TEN-T networks. The project will provide testing environments for six pilot regions ("Living Labs") in Bergamo, Crema (both Italy), Ulm (Germany), Zalaegerszeg (Hungary), Osijek (Coratia) and the Fuschlsee-Mondseeland (Austria). Shared and sustainable mobility solutions will be implemented and tested by the involvement of various stakeholders using the co-creation approach.
Beginning of July 2017 Florian Kressler (AustriaTech) welcomed representatives from each project partner and two members of the joint secretariat from Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE to the kick-off meeting in Vienna. The meeting started with a short introduction by Florian Kressler before the partners introduced themselves. Winfried Ritt and Joze Valic from the Joint Secretariat provided an overview of the programme modalities.
After the opening activities project management contents and a rough structure of the project were discussed.

On the second day of the meeting representatives from the pilot regions described their issues regarding the mobility situation and the approaches they are going to pursue within the SHAREPLACE project. Last but not least the thematic workpackages and its interrelations were discussed.
The next transnational partner meeting will take place beginning of 2018 in Zalaegerszeg, Hungary.