Release of the double-CD album
“Known and unknown dulcimer”

Project “Known and unknown dulcimer" is created by Michał Rydzik with sisters Agnieszka, Aleksandra, Anna and Piotr Markocki, enthusiasts popularizing the broadly understood new sounds on the traditional instrument, characteristic of Podkarpackie region in Poland - dulcimer. They live in the municipality of Grodzisko Dolne near Leżajsk in the Podkarpackie Province and here you can hear them most often.


“With this album, we want to promote the intangible cultural heritage and remind everyone that dulcimer  are our Polish national good! Our goal is to release in 1000 copies a two-disc unipack album containing a recording of traditional melodies and contemporary music, while maintaining the historical sound of Rzeszów dulcimer."


On June 18 and 19, 2020, young artists recorded songs for their album in Tadeusz Nalepa's concert studio in the building of Polish Radio Rzeszów and now they are working to release this unique two-disc album.


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