25th september 2018
The LUMAT Conference “Future Challenges of Integrated Land Management” objective will highlight the role of integrated spatial planning and the importance of urban regeneration for the prevention of urban sprawl and reduction of land take.
The expansion of built-up areas and the resulting land take has been highlighted as one of the key development problems in the recent period and the objectives of land reduction and targets are set to reach zero land take by 2050 (goals at both EU and Member State level).
To achieve land take targets for 2050, planning solutions must include compensation measures and environmental management tools already introduced in various European regions. Achieving these objectives, the LUMAT project emphasizes the importance of the action taken inside functional urban areas and the strengthening of the regional level of spatial planning, which is proven practice in many countries, and in some cases this level is being enforced.
The event is intended for a wider professional and decision maker (local and regional level) audience. The conference will doesn’t exclusively presents the achievements of the project, but is open to address the problem in cooperation with other experts in order to address problematics with the space to promote faster and, in particular, timely renovation / recovery of already built up areas.
Good practices and solutions will be presented by LUMAT partners and invited speakers.
Download the draft programme here
Registration form here